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Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Diamond

Orchestral Collection Plugin by EastWest

Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Diamond has an average user rating of 4.00 from 3 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Diamond

Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Diamond

Reviewed By qsource [all]
June 25th, 2023
Version reviewed: 1.3.7 on Mac

This was the biggest (and it is huge) disappointment of any orchestral library I've anticipated as much as I did this one. I'll start amassing all the broken bits of these sample sets and maybe someday I'll post a more complete review. For now, suffice it to say that in the days I've had to explore this library, I don't see myself using it as more than a layer with a much better sample set and engine.

This library is huge. Even with fast fibre internet, it took nearly a day to download it all. Theoretically, you can download just the sounds you want to use, but I did not take the time to figure this out.

Opus engine had huge promise, but so far I have not had enough time to see if it delivers anything. Given the lackluster options within the libraries, I may never take the time to know.

Some of the so-called articulations sound like the main samples were just edited with EQ and such. For example, the strings that have flautando (18 violins does, but many of them do not) sound like a variation on the con sordino. I could not make any sense of why some instruments had many articulations and others had only long and staccato. For my arranging, there are so many missing articulations that this could never be my main library even if I liked it more.

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Comments & Discussion for EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Diamond

Discussion: Active
29 September 2022 at 7:42am

Has anyone had proper functioning of hollywood orchestrator on Windows 10?
Most of the preset sequences do not work properly in my environment.

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