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Atomic Synths Dance Synths

Atomic Synths Dance Synths


To ensure Sonivox products are compatible with your configuration check the Sonivox Knowledge Base for the latest compatibility info.


What is it?
AU Virtual Studio Technology
Operating System Availability
Operating System Latest Version
System Requirements
Windows System Requirements:
Windows 8, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Home Premium, Professional, or Ultimate
Minimum Dual Core 2 GHz, Intel Core i5 or i7 Recommended
Minimum RAM 2GB, 4GB or more Recommended
35 Gigabytes free hard drive space (Download and Installation)
A VST or AAX (Pro Tools 11 or higher) compatible host application
Internet Access (Download and Authorization)  Apple System Requirements:
OS X Version 10.8.5-10.14
Core 2 Duo Processor or later; Core i5 or i7 Recommended
Minimum RAM 2GB, 4GB or more Recommended
35 Gigabytes free hard drive space (Download and Installation)
A VST, AU or AAX (Pro Tools 11 or higher) compatible host application
Internet Access (Download and Authorization)
License & Installation Method
Voucher / Code for redemption on other website
Tell Me More
For related news items, downloads and more please see the full KVR product page for
Atomic Synths Dance Synths


To ensure Sonivox products are compatible with your configuration check the Sonivox Knowledge Base for the latest compatibility info.


Dance audio samples

BandmateLoops Atomic Synths is the perfect complement to Atomic Beats- and your dance tracks. Featuring powerful synth basses, leads, FX, sweeps and one shots, Atomic Synths provides the texture to really make your dance compositions shine. Versatile enough for cross-over applications, powerful enough for serious dance.

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