RME Driverkit vs Kernel drivers

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Has anyone moved over to the new driver kit drivers, if so how do they compare performance wise to the older Kernel level drivers? RME say driverkit is going to be required eventually on macOS as the kernel level driver support is being phased out, at the moment you can still install them but only at the cost of disabling some of MacOs's security features. Also the process is a pain although once done it's done. However RME themselves say the kernel drivers are still better in terms of performance as they are 'lower' level. The question I have is how much difference will I see, is it significant or just a small difference?


I use the driver kit with the Babyface Pro FS on a MBP M2 Pro but I never had the kernel drivers installed so I can't compare. All I can say is that it runs fast and smooth and that I really don't think about the driver much because it just works.

For me it wasn't worth the hassle to deal with the kernel drivers when they'll be deactivated in the future anyway.


I think RME themselves stated that after their thorough tests there was no difference between the two options. They even did a video about it here and I think somewhere in the comments they stated that it there isn't any advantage to use the kernel thing (which was before a thing regarding better latency or stability or something).
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Yes I watched that but it does actually say the kernel extensions do perform better, but just not how much

They were a hassle to install but this was before they created the driver kit drivers so then I had no choice. I guess they will also be a hassle to uninstall though too


aMUSEd wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 8:16 am Yes I watched that but it does actually say the kernel extensions do perform better, but just not how much

They were a hassle to install but this was before they created the driver kit drivers so then I had no choice. I guess they will also be a hassle to uninstall though too
Just read the pinned comment below the video, it's from RME, stating that with Sonoma they couldn't spot any differences in performance or stability.
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my Trap beatz:
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i've tried both on the last 3 operating systems (babyface pro fs), can't say I've noticed much of a difference. I ended up using the kernel extensions as i read that their performance was slightly better. I guess i'll change to driver kit soon. I'm on Sonoma. Whatever, RME drivers and hardware are rock solid no matter the scenario. in my 20 or more years RME experience, from the Multi, Digi, Fire and Baby interfaces, both Windows and MacOS.


I’ve been using DriverKit problem free, on Sonoma, over Thunderbolt. I didn’t bother going the KEXT route since I didn’t see the point, when Apple’s going to drop support, and there’s probably not much time left until that happens now.

Regarding differences, you would only ever see them if the system was pushed to its overloading point. Since even base Apple Silicon chips tend to provide more overhead, than the old 4-core X86 chips we were used to, the reality is many users would struggle to get to that point anyway, unless maybe using 96kHz+ or big orchestral templates etc.

But it's nice, at least, to see RME confirm that there's no difference in performance since Sonoma. Does that also hold true for Ventura on Kext drivers, Vs Sonoma on Driverkit, I wonder? I assume it does, as that's what their words appear to be implying.


OK thanks - yes it's drawing close which is why I'm considering moving over. Just need to find out how to safely uninstall the old ones, installing the new ones is definitely much easier at least.

Looks like I also need to update the firmware to use them though first (I think they say you need to keep the old drivers at first to do that, then uninstall them)


Yep. Flash the card to a Driverkit compatible firmware before you uninstall any Drivers.The new Driverkit drivers are a password or two and a reboot. Pretty painless.


And then I guess I'll need to go back into Recovery to reset security?


Yep, set it back to “Full Security” and job done hopefully :)

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