CPU Usage: Cubase SX 2 vs. Nuendo 2......

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Hello peeps,

Does anyone know whether either of these two hosts uses more CPU/RAM than the other ?

I'd take Nuendo over Cubase just for its efficient workflow ( cust. menu and key sets ).

But does it use any more CPU/RAM than Cubase does ?




The CPU/RAM usage of both apps will probably be very similar.

SX2 has customisable key commands (if that is what you were referring to).



afaik nuendo swallows a bit more RAM than cubase. like 10-20MB more within an empty project.


cold c wrote:The CPU/RAM usage of both apps will probably be very similar.

SX2 has customisable key commands (if that is what you were referring to).

Thanks for the reply.

In Nuendo, according to the specs, you can remove entire menus, sub-menus and windows from the screen.

Also, it has multiple customisable key sets. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Cubase has only one set.

I'm trying to weigh CPU usage against an easy workflow here, hence the question.



[decipher] wrote:afaik nuendo swallows a bit more RAM than cubase. like 10-20MB more within an empty project.
Oh shite.

The f**kers in the college lab I've been asked to equip have their priorities all wrong. They've sanctioned a ridiculously large budget for software, but they are trying to cut corners and scrimp on the computers. :roll:

Fuckin ReBirth might send the DAWS crashing to their knees.


Also, it has multiple customisable key sets. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Cubase has only one set.
This is SX2-


Also, performance differences between the two packages should be insignificant on a (good) recent PC. Tell us the complete system specs and which VST plugins you are intending to use, and how many instances of them, how many audio tracks, etc. People with similar systems can tell you if your expectations are realistic.


Specs for the workstations in a music & video tech course:

128 MB RAM / 256 MB RAM ( can be squeezed in )
P4 2.4 Ghz (non HT)
40 GB 7200 rpm HD
15" monitors
Delta Audio 44 sound cards
MIDISport 1x1 Interface
BX5 75 watt nearfield monitors
Oxygen 8 MIDI controller keyboard.

Soft synths and effects - flexible selection, currently settled on Edirol Hyper canvas

Sequencers - Choice of Cubase SX, Nuendo, Cakewalk Sonar 3 XL.


Is 256MB the maximum ammount of RAM you can put in the motherboard? I'd go for 512MB at least.

As for the BX5 monitors, they seem slightly expensive for such a budget system. You could equip one of the systems with some good quality monitors for demonstration purposes, but headphones may be more suited to a multi workstation lab if they are all playing the music at the same time. If monitors are required then perhaps you can find cheaper ones from Yamaha, ESI, Edirol or even generic "computer speakers". If they are mainly going to be learning about how to use the software then definitely go for cheaper monitors.

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