KV331 in Reaper

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Have just loaded Reaper on my system and it appears to struggle with KV331(free) and causes host to crash during DLL search for VST's.

Has this happened to anyone else or is this a known problem with this host. All other VST's loaded fine. It only seems to be when the KV331 acknowledgment/registration window appears.

All works fine in Tracksion T2.

By the way I am really liking this synthmaster KV331.

Any assistance help appreciated.

regards, Rob


Hi Rob,

I'll test SynthMaster with Reaper tonight and get back to you.


Works at KV331 Audio
SynthMaster voted #1 in MusicRadar's "Best Synth of 2019" poll
SynthMaster One voted #4 in MusicRadar's "Best Synth of 2019" poll


Thankyou, I look forward to hering from you


I was able reproduce the issue the the standart version of SynthMaster. Will fix this in the next release as well (next sunday, June 24)
Works at KV331 Audio
SynthMaster voted #1 in MusicRadar's "Best Synth of 2019" poll
SynthMaster One voted #4 in MusicRadar's "Best Synth of 2019" poll


I've try Synthmaster with a synth guitar and the result is very good (all the vst aren't good for do this...) Really its better than the synths emulations of my unit...


Hello. I saw that a fix for reaper was on its way, have you managed to rectify the problem yet? Any news on the new release. How possible would it be to make a resizable GUI??


I experienced this too. It is why I had to uninstall SM Free--I have been transitioning form Sonar to Reaper lately as main app.

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