Phonec2 feature request thread

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After a bit of a hiatus, I'm back to work on Phonec2. I've been in the process of converting Phonec into the 1.2 version of Synthedit, which is necessary in order to output to 64-bit/Mac. But now I'm at a stable point where I can start to make improvements and implement new features.

If you have any feature requests you'd like to see, post them here. I can't guarantee everything gets implemented, some things may go against the initial concept, but I will try to incorporate as many good ideas as possible.


Three suggestions at the top of my head:
- a bigger GUI
- a bigger GUI
- a bigger GUI


I will launch Phonec to see is something else comes to my mind 8) Must admit I have all but ceased to use Phonec because it is so tough on my eyes :?


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How about a Hold button and an 'as played' mode for the arp?
Switching the Level (should be called amount anyway) and Velo controls for the filter envelope so that the sliders are identical on both envelopes.
A keyboard tracking knob rather than just on/off.
Maybe a formant filter like on Blarg, it would probably sound cool in combination with the Melt feature :)


fluffy_little_something wrote:Three suggestions at the top of my head:
- a bigger GUI
- a bigger GUI
- a bigger GUI


I will launch Phonec to see is something else comes to my mind 8) Must admit I have all but ceased to use Phonec because it is so tough on my eyes :?
Yes, I plan on giving Phonec2 a slightly bigger GUI.
Let me ask you, is it more about the text or the controls? I know the buttons are really tiny and very hard to read. I improved on this with Dubtron2, did you find that GUI easier to work with?


Ranjarresh wrote:* Randomizer / random preset generation.
Good one!


fluffy_little_something wrote:How about a Hold button and an 'as played' mode for the arp?
The arp/sequencer section will definitely be different. In v1x, I was using Chirs Kerry's arp in combination with a sequencer I built. However CK's modules will no longer be used, so I'm building everything from scratch using standard modules. So it will be very different. I will see about a hold switch. What exactly is 'as played'?
Switching the Level (should be called amount anyway) and Velo controls for the filter envelope so that the sliders are identical on both envelopes.
A keyboard tracking knob rather than just on/off.
Good call, I noticed this design error too. An easy fix.
Maybe a formant filter like on Blarg, it would probably sound cool in combination with the Melt feature :)
I would like to add more filter options, so I will be experimenting with different ideas here. I'll keep this in mind.


I never used Dubtron, so I can't tell.
I do have Construct and think it was a clear improvement over Phonec in terms of GUI. Since it is about the same size, I suppose contrast and color scheme in general might be to blame in the case of Phonec. Regarding the controls themselves, the current ones look ok. Maybe the orange dot could be a bit brighter, like with the construct knobs.

As played mode means that unlike with the usual arp the order in which you press the keys matters. So basically you can make the arp play entire little melodies. Superwave's P80 has such an arp.

So, you want to do without CK stuff. That will be quite a challenge, judging from the Phonec module folder 8)

Have you seen the new version of the ME80 by Memorymoon? CK seems to have a synth engine of his own, independent from SE. So they turned the old SE version into a 64-bit version. But you would probably need CK to do it for you :P
Can you even achieve the same sounds by using standard modules only?
But I like the idea, makes me get interested in SE myself again, now that 64-bit is on the horizon :) I would not longer feel like making crap because I am not using expensive third-party modules.


fluffy_little_something wrote:I never used Dubtron, so I can't tell.
I do have Construct and think it was a clear improvement over Phonec in terms of GUI. Since it is about the same size, I suppose contrast and color scheme in general might be to blame in the case of Phonec. Regarding the controls themselves, the current ones look ok. Maybe the orange dot could be a bit brighter, like with the construct knobs.
Good to know.
As played mode means that unlike with the usual arp the order in which you press the keys matters. So basically you can make the arp play entire little melodies. Superwave's P80 has such an arp.
I see, thanks for clarifying.
So, you want to do without CK stuff. That will be quite a challenge, judging from the Phonec module folder 8)
It's not that I don't want to use his modules, as I've purchased everything he's put out so far, it's that his modules are 32-bit, so if I want to make Phonec 64-bit, I cannot use them.
Have you seen the new version of the ME80 by Memorymoon? CK seems to have a synth engine of his own, independent from SE. So they turned the old SE version into a 64-bit version. But you would probably need CK to do it for you :P
I did see the thread, great concept, but not really the way I want to develop.
Can you even achieve the same sounds by using standard modules only?
Of course, I'm already there. I've re-built Phonec2 from scratch and it sounds great. Maybe a little better than before because of various improvements I was able to implement in the base structure. My main focus right now is the sequencer section. Deep experimentation right now.
But I like the idea, makes me get interested in SE myself again, now that 64-bit is on the horizon :) I would not longer feel like making crap because I am not using expensive third-party modules.
I've been considering getting into module development since there is currently very few 64-bit modules. I have a ton of ideas for GUI modules, so I plan to start there. Synthedit is an excellent platform with so much potential. I think once we start getting some 3rd party modules going, people will take it more seriously.


Great news Jack!
I love Phonec, probably one of my fav vsti, eager to get a v2 !!
Maybe it could be great to have a kind of bitcrusher in order to go
deeper into BoC style there any chance that a win64bit
version would exist in a near future ?


Endor-8o8 wrote:Great news Jack!
I love Phonec, probably one of my fav vsti, eager to get a v2 !!
Maybe it could be great to have a kind of bitcrusher in order to go
deeper into BoC style sounds...
I would like to maybe have a multi-fx type section. Nothing too drastic, but a few effects that would compliment each other well. So far I've got a dub delay section going, similar to Dubtron. I'm thinking along the lines of some kind of chorus that would work into the delay feedback. A bitcrusher might be a good compliment to the limiter/saturation. I'll try it out.
is there any chance that a win64bit
version would exist in a near future ?
Synthedit is currently very capable of creating 64-bit plugins from what I understand. It's just that nobody has done it yet. I'm developing Phonec v2 in this new version of Synthedit, and will be doing some beta testing for 64-bit and mac when the time comes. We're still in the early stages, but things seem to be moving along. So to answer your question, yes, I'm expecting this to happen in the near future.


How about adding that little Assign Controller menu that appears when right-clicking on any control on the GUI of most other SE synths? It offers the options Learn, Unlearn, and Edit, and makes it very easy to assign hardware controls to GUI controls.


fluffy_little_something wrote:How about adding that little Assign Controller menu that appears when right-clicking on any control on the GUI of most other SE synths? It offers the options Learn, Unlearn, and Edit, and makes it very easy to assign hardware controls to GUI controls.
I do plan to have a midi learn function. What SE synths are you referring to?


My current go-to synth, the P80 for instance, all SuperWave synths.


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