What made you start playing guitar?

A forum for discussion of all things guitar!




I started learning music as a child, with an old school piano teacher and by grade 5 I was utterly bored with classical exercises and thought there must be something more fun than this. My parents got me an acoustic guitar for my birthday and was hooked from there on.


I'm actually studying film scoring/classical composing. But it's all done via piano roll/ notation. https://youtube.com/watch?v=LF4yNpzSARQ ... XlBw0UTyIH
Dell Vostro i9 64GB Ram Windows 11 Pro, Cubase, Bitwig, Mixcraft Guitar Pod Go, Linntrument Nektar P1, Novation Launchpad


My stepfather was a bass player and encouraged guitar over synth because of price and expression etc. At the time a polyphonic synth was ungodly expensive.

I was equally in to odd guitar players as keyboardists and the first "serious" band I was in I wanted us going in a more aggressive direction, and the other keyboard/guitar player was more of a 4AD style guitarist but had years of piano lessons. So I pushed for us concentrating on the instruments we were better at.


I was bloody skint proper skint got a bass for a tenner. Six months practice later i was in my first paying band. Never looked back went on to play with artists from all over the world. Nothing like a bit of extreme poverty as motivation


Get yer ya-yas out! What a sound, what an album!

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