Audiority Big Goat, Blue Face and Distortion 1 - Vintage Fuzz and Distortions - New updates

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion
Big Goat Blue Face Distortion 1


Hell yeah! I used to be huge on them + At the Gates etc.


Swedes were slow in discovering the awesomeness of HM-2. Their usual pace.

Dave Gilmour was Boss boy in 1980's, he snatched HM-2 for Momentary Lapse - Delicate Sound of Thunder stint, made some bitchin' tones with it.

He knew what's up before At the Gates knew it. That's old papa Dave for you.


I would pay a LOT to watch Gilmour growling and playing death/black metal :D

Anyways, I'm preparing some new code aiming to get better performance and increased realism to the current pedals. This will be crucial to get a convincing emulation of the germanium fuzz face.



tristan- wrote: Mon Oct 29, 2018 7:26 pm I wonder what's the rest of the chain in the youtube demos.
Amp sim?
Cab emulation?
Real amp?
I noticed Delight delay in one of the videos.


I use the Blue Face on everything as it is


acousticglue wrote: Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:53 am I use the Blue Face on everything as it is
That's cool.


Audiority wrote: Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:42 am I would pay a LOT to watch Gilmour growling and playing death/black metal :D

Anyways, I'm preparing some new code aiming to get better performance and increased realism to the current pedals. This will be crucial to get a convincing emulation of the germanium fuzz face.

Hah, that would be amazing!

Forgive me if this question sounds dense, but why are fuzz pedals difficult to emulate with software? What's the extra "magic" beyond those lo-fi transistors making square wave distortion? I'm curious to hear it from a developer's perspective.

FWIW, I'd love to see an emulation of a more modern take on a fuzz pedal like the Walrus Audio Jupiter at some point.


Try the freebie called Carve from White Elephant


acousticglue wrote: Tue Jan 08, 2019 11:11 am Try the freebie called Carve from White Elephant
Thanks! I visited their site a while back and thought I had grabbed all their plugins. Guess I missed that one. :tu:


This will be crucial to get a convincing emulation of the germanium fuzz face.
Best of luck there! Your work thus far has been stellar. It always makes me LOL a bit when people wonder why this is difficult. Why is it hard to make digital hardware sound analog? Why is it hard to make VA synths sound like the old monsters? Because the more primitive the technology the more organic it is. And while the early germanium fuzzes and analog monosynths sounded amazing they were also not terribly stable. A change in temp could cause a synth to drift out of tune. And early fuzz boxes could be very hit or miss. Hendrix was known to go through dozens of the same units before he found "THE" one. We did not have tight component tolerances like we do today. Also components can drift over time. Which is why some vintage gear has aged "magically" like fine wine yet other examples of the same unit have turned to vinegar. IMHO part of the key to replicating the "magic" in software is starting with a a vintage hardware unit that has aged "magically"....or perhaps simply building your own new germanium fuzz from fine NOS transistors. There's pretty much no simpler circuit as fx go.

Life is hard to replicate....unless you're trying to get someone pregnant. :lol:

Cheers......CL :oops:
the secrets to old age: Faster horses, Richer Women, Bigger CPU's


Distortion 1 updated to v1.1
- NEW: 8 different pedal circuits
- NEW: Noise Gate
- NEW: HQ Mode
- NEW: Notifications System
- NEW: VST3 plugin format
- NEW: Mac OSX 10.15 Catalina support
- CHANGE: 64bit only

To update download and install the demo version from the product page or from your User Area account.



i remember talking about it but it seems it wasn't in this topic, so i'll repeat it here. earlier in this thread i wondered why everyone models DS-1 because it sounds like ass and has a very narrow useful range... well, much to my surprise, this one doesn't. i don't know what makes this emulation different from other DS-1 emulations, but Distortion 1 actually sounds nice, and has waaay wider sweet spot, to the point where i actually use it for regular sounds, rather than just characteristic DS-1 farting.
I don't know what to write here that won't be censored, as I can only speak in profanity.


Thank you so much Luca, my favorite pedals


What updates for the goat? Please say OpAmp model....


How do Big Goat and Blue Face compare to Amplitube pedals?

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